Saturday, November 19, 2011

More Secret News

The food supply is eating us.

Every move you make can be monitored and stored in files.

The planet is dangerous to life.

All institutions are part of a supra-corporate star chamber.

Your weaknesses need to be your Supervisor's weaknesses to succeed at work.

Free-will has been reduced to adversity to creativity.

The dissemblers have won.

Keep it under your hat. Shhh.

Ode to Krill

Majestic little sea monkey
With an eye as big as Zeus
Even now in a movie-
Happy Feet deuce
Why strive in cold and dark
Eating weeds in Ice
O to make your mark
In Happy Feet Thrice
Sweet Prince of fare
In a Blue Whales gourde
With the dreams do you dare
Make it to Happy Feet Four’d
With Kings and Emperor
In a white slosh you dive
Fideles Semperer
Godspeed to Happy Feet Five
In your flit and dance
Like an unfrozen nymphet
Do you really think the chance
Of Happy Feet Sextet
Overact with zeal and thrust
Like a bow and stern so needy
Row the legs you must
Until Happy Feet eternity