Saturday, August 3, 2013

Harley Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah

Here is a night picture of my Apple Tree. It had an amazing fractal branching structure, but it is dying, and the branches are falling off it, and I will need to cut it down. This tree did it right. It has few regrets, and carries every one of it's mistakes with it, and still makes a ton of apples. I had an insight about this tree. It has grown and regrown in this spot for a few hundred years, as apple trees are wont to do. An apple doesn't fall far. And it is dying now, at a time when another intrepid explorer friend of mine has disappeared, My little Harley Grrl, my cat (one of them.) Harley Grrl never ate meat, she just ate the dry food, and especially loved the cat treats. She inherited a weak tooth structure, and you could literally see the marrow in her fang canines. But she was so sweet, she would never hurt anything. Her twin sister was rough with her when they were kittens, but even when she grew bigger than her sister, she was gentle as can be., and with her little brother, Sea Biskit. The background for her is simple. She was a little meeker than the other cats, and was eager, just always eager, to follow the others, and see what they were doing. Cats are cats though, and would invariably give her a swat of their paw. So she found her own little spot by an intersection (I-Power, [it's true]) down the road a ways from the house. She wasn't going to settle for taken territory, she was going to find her own ground, and she did. Down by there was a a little stream, and she would bring back frogs, not dead ones, perfectly alive. That was her telling us she loved us. And she was happy to have lived here for a year and a half, since birth, and ecstatic she had her own little wonderland to roam, that was just next door to her pride. But then she disappeared. There was a Black Fox near living near the river (but not anymore), so we do not know what happened. She was brave and lived her life right, and she is missed by everyone, even my apple tree.