Friday, May 27, 2011

Ai Weiwei

It should shock no one if China launches a surprise attack on another country. The illegal imprisonment of one of the earths great citizens, Ai Weiwei, just goes to show the lengths they will go to keep the Hans in power. Of course, now they say it is tax evasion. Didn't the U.S. do something similar to John Lennon. What is it about free speech that governments hate. It is that they lie, they know they lie, and that the Universe will never allow the language of humans to be perverted with lying sacks of shit. Notice I said the Universe, because it contains the codes for reality, it ciphers out the bullshit for us. Lying losers are stupid, too. And these twin weaknesses make them vulnerable, and desparate. Their time is short unless they can imprison the mind of man. But relax, the sons of liberty around the world will rally and defeat these beasts of humankind. How do I know? because I just said it, and its the truth.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Power Impact Shorts (Blang)

When you glance at a clock, doesn't it always look like the seconds hand takes a tick backwards?

Thoughts of a Rock "I guess this shape will do for now"

Blocked...Calcium Brain...can't think.

No one can put a price on freedon, or else it wouldn't be free.

The Bermuda Triangle is actually an icosahedron, when you count the air and water.

The first bumper sticker was a picture of a squashed mosquito.

Those sharp, bright dots of light that appear at the sides of your vision when you are consciously looking at something is your brain plotting to sabotage your plans, usually by releasing cytokines to attract viruses.

Polar Bears only live on Polar Planets

It's noon, time to feed Pavlov.

General Electric's Jack Welch reaaly had an inspired idea when he fired the bottom 10% performing workers. Too bad they buried those workers in the exact place where they should have put those above ground Diesel Fuel Tanks that got washed away in the Fukishima Tsunami, which prevented the backup cooling system from working.

If like dissolves like, what does money dissolve?

I am going to open a bar called The 'Henge. But it will only be open during the month of May.

Hey First Buyer geeks, there is a new h/2piipod. All you have to do is think of shit and it makes a steaming turd.

Russians are always in a hurry when there are invaders in their country.

How to make a tree cross: Cut it down and make a cross.

Remember, stay tuned for further updates. You can take to heart I have your best interests in mind. Thank you. I love you.