Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Divided British Court Upholds Extradition of WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange to Sweden

In this clip we see the Senator's protege upholding the law of the land, specifically, the Senator's responded belief that the land is corrupted with no-good-buggery (or something like that.) Without hesitation, the protege follows the commands of his authority figure. Of course, in this instance, the detestable actions of this group in helping implement "Order 66" made them legitimate targets, as well as justifiable scapegoats (thanks to the secrecy.) You see, the Senator does not care who he lies to, telling Anakin he can save his wife from death, restoring order to the Empire, or getting quislings to do his bidding, and then killing them, is all the same to someone like him, who allies himself with power. Don't be a quisling. In a fortnight we will see.

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