Thursday, May 10, 2012

Who Gets the Rain?

The feedback loops are in place, and it appears that for the next hundred years will be drastic climate change. There is a theory about the heating and cooling of the planet as it oscillates into and out of the Galactic arms of the Milky Way, and, if correct, we are heading towards a cooling epoch, so I always like to qualify that I don't have all the answers, and sometimes destiny plays a role, but I still have a thought. And that is, who will receive the added moisture in the atmosphere. It doesn't take a genius to see that the water vapor will collect at the cooler extremes of the planet, that also have warm fronts that travel through it to deliver the moisture. As a back of the envelope guess, it will be Russia, China and Canada that will benefit most, in terms of rainfall, and that the rest of the world will go through hit and miss episodes of drought and deluges. Keystone will hold up the Arches of a warmer greener Canada. China will continue, unless I am mistaken (naahh), to burn Coal, the Kochs and Gazprom will be the high-priests of our Northern and and Asian brethren. Am I missing something? Maybe Europe will benefit too. Everywhere else, America included, will get the shaft. No wonder Fractal Technology is being kept out of sight, and out of mind. If you think this country will invest in the children to educate our way out of the desertification, then all I can say is you have no idea how fungible money is, and how easy it is to move to better climes, rather than waste money looking to fix our problems using our minds for some betterment of society. If you look carefully, you can see how, now, the social and cultural mediums are painting people, and especially the lower classes, as dumb, ne'er do wells. Now in the news today, in case you haven't tuned in to the TV or internet, we are all fat slobs. Here's what I do to equilibriate my brain from the media, I tell them, in my mind, "Go fuck yourself." There's plenty of Lube out there, as you can't burn the heavier weight oil components..

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