Thursday, April 9, 2015

سوف اليمن لن تتراجع

This is the one. The final mistake warmongers of the world will make. Evil, chattel slave-wage arms traders. Get a good look at Babylon because the dirge is coming. These poor people in an ancient culture, scraping to get by and share with each other their little corner of the world, their sustenance for thousands of years, being destroyed under the attack by countries that have no business in that country. The brain-dead west and their fucktard allies in the middle east think they know so much about the world. The mistake that the executioners are making is that they really are not fearful. Self-righteous, conceited bastards dictating the neo-liberal agenda. Guess what chachie, all those bombs you're dropping are just transferring the arrow of time to the Yemenis. Ever look at the crab nebula?. Not pictures of it, the actual nebula. It blew up a thousand years ago, but time moved on around the black-hole it created, so all that explosive power was really all the time it absorbed. Explain that to your kids.

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