Friday, May 29, 2015

Think of the Pineapples

Each mole of Carbon weighs 12 Grams. So, in a Gallon of gasoline, or 4 Liters, which is a little more than a Gallon, there is about 4000 grams, and, minus the hydrogen in gasoline, about 305 moles of carbon. When the carbon combines in combustion with Oxygen it makes 305 moles of Carbon Dioxide. Each mole of CO2 is now air, and it's volume has now expanded greatly, at 22.4 liters per mole, to 6832 liters of air per gallon of gasoline. On earth, that is not an enormous amount, but considering the moles of carbon burned in human activity, it matters. It adds up to however many grams of carbon we burn, divided by 12, and then multiplied by 22.4, to find out how many liters of CO2 we are putting into our Atmosphere. Albeit, that half gets re-absorbed into earth's ecosystem, the other half stays in the atmosphere for many decades

There are several factors that lead this accumulation of CO2 to add egregious amounts of heat to the planet. These correlations are very simple, any politician saying otherwise knows perfectly well he is lying. For one thing CO2 is fairly heavy, weighing a third more than Oxygen molecules. This means that it is settling through the porous atmosphere, but at the same time being buoyed by the jostling. A simple analogy is shaking together a bunch of small pebbles and sand together with larger pebbles in a jar. The larger pebbles migrate to the top of the Jar. Similarly, the carbon gets jostled upwards, and then settles downward, causing the bouncing molecule to vibrate in a manner that makes it amenable to absorbing a frequency of light. If the frequency of light that it was absorbing was coming was just from space, it would cool the planet, because only half the radiation would be bounced down, and half back out to space. However, most of the radiation it absorbs is coming from the planet, because it absorbs infra-red radiation that is closely related to the black-body radiation, or the ambient temperature, that earth is mostly giving off. The CO2 absorbs this earth radiation, at ratios that are whatever concentration of CO2 that is in the atmosphere, and then reflects about half this radiation back to the ground, where it is registered as heat, causing the heat to gradually, but steadily, accumulate. This heat radiation would naturally flow back out to space if the CO2 molecules were not there. The warmer air allows more water to be absorbed into the air as the dew point climbs. Water also has the effect of absorbing infra-red radiation. Of course, we are near the end of the rope, since a methane release would cause a runaway heat event, that would cause a huge mass extinction. Don't worry though, the jelly-fish might make it. Pineapples, probably not.

All of this has been known for over a hundred years.


Antique Road Show

“I was talking with some of my colleagues, and we were just blown away.
First of all,where did you get this?"

"On Youtube"

"Well its a heck of a find. I mean the backdrop alone, Tanglewood. Can you imagine how fucking beautiful it would be there. And the campy song, Chicago, wow, and professional vocals and brasswinds. You just don't see that anymore. Whoever posted this took out the annoying ads, stellar! Anyway, we think, conservatively, this video is worth a 100,000 clicks. Congratulations."

"Whoa, Thank you".

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Heretic Greedy Fucks

A neural toxin!! A thousand times worse than Lead, Mercury is. Permanent fucking brain damage. These satan's cocksuckers have been poisoning our kids. The authority you can no longer follow is... anyone. Educate yourself and tell the greedy fucks, and their Skeletor mentality, to jump off a goddamn bridge. Anybody who tells you to stick a needle in your child and get a *vaccination on their demand, say "fuck-off loser". Government solutions involving a profit to a certain business involve corruption, and it is only getting worse. These people in their Agencies (or any authority figures) are not to be trusted. Our Government continues to poison the planet, with pro-petroleum (Shell arctic) policies, and now they are supporting policies that are causing permanent brain damage for swaths of people, infants no less. I am not saying disobey these people. That is an assumption they have some authority. Do not allow them to come near your nature and soul, they have gone insane.

*I am not ant-vaccination, but if you don't want mercury neural-toxin in your child, say no if you like. These pricks have ruined lives for their greed. Just remember that. Unconscionable.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Turning 3 Alpha particles into carbon.