Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Heretic Greedy Fucks

A neural toxin!! A thousand times worse than Lead, Mercury is. Permanent fucking brain damage. These satan's cocksuckers have been poisoning our kids. The authority you can no longer follow is... anyone. Educate yourself and tell the greedy fucks, and their Skeletor mentality, to jump off a goddamn bridge. Anybody who tells you to stick a needle in your child and get a *vaccination on their demand, say "fuck-off loser". Government solutions involving a profit to a certain business involve corruption, and it is only getting worse. These people in their Agencies (or any authority figures) are not to be trusted. Our Government continues to poison the planet, with pro-petroleum (Shell arctic) policies, and now they are supporting policies that are causing permanent brain damage for swaths of people, infants no less. I am not saying disobey these people. That is an assumption they have some authority. Do not allow them to come near your nature and soul, they have gone insane.

*I am not ant-vaccination, but if you don't want mercury neural-toxin in your child, say no if you like. These pricks have ruined lives for their greed. Just remember that. Unconscionable.

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