Thursday, November 24, 2011

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


“and I turn the tide and get back my pride”
                                                               -Burning Ground, The Healing Game, Van Morrison

Gravity follows no constraints. Its name is a misnomer when used in any sentence. Gravity. That is all one can really say, for to say more blasphemes what it is, or does, or was, or will be. It is sacred. Its name should be sacred, for it cannot be seen, or heard. To feel gravity is not really gravity but a collection of magnified tiny electromagnetic impulses, magnified by time to a place in space where we think it is. It was there where a dinosaur left his footprint 150 million years ago. It has been where a rock on Triton, Neptune’s captured moon, for who knows how many billions of years or how many billions more, has lain by a chance of gravity, and where it has stayed since then. Mans triumph of his conscious will over his unconscious instincts were a momentous event, but it is trumped by Gravity, for we will die, even when the center holds. So we made Pyramids and Burial Mounds to memorialize the life of our forefathers, which is based upon the sacred Gravity. These pyramids have four 120° sides, which in the Lorentz Contraction equations in quantum physics 120° represent the infinite of ±1. The gravity of Jupiter, in congruence with the Sun’s 60° angle to the Jovian orbit, shoots off fields, at 60° in front and 60°behind, where a gravity-well has formed where captured asteroids have congressed and follow in the orbital path in front of, and behind, Jupiter. In one earth year, Jupiter’s orbit will have traveled thirty degrees around the sun, but it is inanimate, and knows not of time, so it traveled both directions, 30 degrees forward in time and 30 degrees backward in time, for sixty degrees, and, when combined with earth’s one year orbit of forward and backward in inanimate matter time, now equals a relative 120 degrees. This is where we can see Gravity, out of time, but it is not just physical, but also part of our lore. When Einstein peered out across the Square to imagine an elevator free-falling in gravity, he could see the inertial mass changing, the time of the observer and observed changing, even the volume of space was changing, but gravity held the center without the slightest notion of why it is or what it is. Thus Gravity opens the Door’s of Perception, but leaves out itself apart. It is a symbol for good, and evil. The freedom and power of Angels is exemplified by their powerful command of defying gravity, and Satan’s evil will commands one third of the stars in the sky (according to revelation) in his abeyance. For Gravity, as for Shakespeare, all the world’s a stage. And to try to nail it down at a time or place or even in a story is vainglorious, and this short story is now in the Library of Babylon, filed under Burial Mounds.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

More Secret News

The food supply is eating us.

Every move you make can be monitored and stored in files.

The planet is dangerous to life.

All institutions are part of a supra-corporate star chamber.

Your weaknesses need to be your Supervisor's weaknesses to succeed at work.

Free-will has been reduced to adversity to creativity.

The dissemblers have won.

Keep it under your hat. Shhh.

Ode to Krill

Majestic little sea monkey
With an eye as big as Zeus
Even now in a movie-
Happy Feet deuce
Why strive in cold and dark
Eating weeds in Ice
O to make your mark
In Happy Feet Thrice
Sweet Prince of fare
In a Blue Whales gourde
With the dreams do you dare
Make it to Happy Feet Four’d
With Kings and Emperor
In a white slosh you dive
Fideles Semperer
Godspeed to Happy Feet Five
In your flit and dance
Like an unfrozen nymphet
Do you really think the chance
Of Happy Feet Sextet
Overact with zeal and thrust
Like a bow and stern so needy
Row the legs you must
Until Happy Feet eternity

Saturday, November 5, 2011

M5 Rendered in Artistic Light and Dark

M5 is a beautiful large globular cluster located in the constellation of Serpens. It is thought to be one of the oldest globular clusters with an estimated age of 13 billion years. This means that it must have formed only 700 million years after the Big Bang, which occurred about 13.7 billion years ago. M5 is located about 24,500 light years away and has an apparent diameter of 23 minutes of arc, which corresponds to a real diameter of about 165 light years in space. It contains between 100,000 and 500,000 stars. It was discovered by Gottfried Kirch in 1702.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Physics/Science Blog and my 98.75 cents opinion (under a buck)

Here is a cool blog with lots of science and links.

My Spiel
I saw Brian Greenes Fabric of the cosmos on Nova. The spinning skater, being pulled out centripetally in a spin, was used to introduce the concept of space having some mettle to it. In the book he talks of newton spinning a bucket of water, stopping it, and the water continuing to swirl against the sides of the bucket, which is gone on to explain that it is the same as the water standing still and the space around spinning and grasping at matter. He goes on to describe how space is something of three dimensionality, though it is difficult to say why three, and filled with innate energy and pliable. Dark energy was mentioned with the same lack of true intent and cause, but there nontheless, as was the very necessary zero-spin Gibbs particle. Leonard Suskind appeared to say he thought the three dimensions of space was really just a hologram of an infinite two dimensional surface. Here's what I believe is happening, philosophically, which is as workable theory as any described to explain the hard to explain reality. Something is keeping things together. I don't mean gravity, which does hold matter together, apparently at apple, solar and galactic intervals. I don't mean time, which keeps things chronological, even if somewhat stilted by relativity. I don't mean Space, which gives everything a definite holding place, fickle as it is expanding and contracting everywhere. And I don't mean matter, which sets the stage for things to happen, even on a deserted moon in the Serpens Dwarf Galaxy. Something is keeping the pace and holding stuff into a complex ballet of reality, and with real meaning and beauty and consequence and importance of concept. What? God? Is? Real? Me? You? I think it is just a love of complexity that will always continue, maybe in new forms, without matter or time, but something else, like story and pith. Naturally, the math will continue to get more difficult, but the relationships will be fantastic.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Stairway to heaven

Here are 4 views from the Chandra X-Ray Observatory and a link to a video. It is amazing the differing structures associated with different wavelengths. The Crab Nebula was caused by a SuperNova in 1054, that people living then reported lit up the sky as a star in the daytime. It is located in the Taurus Constellation. The most recent research of the nebula show that it is giving off Gamma rays of 100 billion electron-volts. The highest radiation that the known physics can account for the Pulsar, the angular momentum of the spinning magnetic field, is about 10 Billion ElectronVolts. One of these Gamma ray has the energy to ionize 7 Billion Hydrogen Atoms. The reason I post this is because I saw the pulse from the Nebula, a huge blink of energy, less than a second, but unlike any light I have ever seen, a distinctly round orb about 20 times the size of Jupiters starlight. I would describe what I saw like as looking at the pulsar itself, a huge magnification of the dense spinning pulsar 6500 light years away, which is only a few miles across but contains 1.4 times the mass of our sun. Awesome. Link to news article

Friday, September 16, 2011

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Joe was a friend of mine in the service. He was a decent guy, always friendly and in a good mood. I think he finished his term in the Service and retired. I didn't stay in touch. He did invite me to his Delaware Beach House at one point, but then wrote back to me to tell me he sold it and bought a place with his family in Heber Springs. We went fishing occasionally, and he loved the talking about the Red River, so I am glad that he followed his dreams. When we went shooting our gun at the Army Reserve and you were smacking something you found in the ground with your foot, I just want to thank you for not actually setting off the unexploded ordinance, as I was close by, as you know. Also, your making up your own rules at UNO, was always fun to watch. And driving your blue piece of shit car and hanging out with you and Eaton, Day, McGuire and Mackay at the barracks, and the block parties, were good memories. So, Joe, thanks for being a friend of mine. Sorry I never wrote back to you last time. -6

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Monday, August 29, 2011

Act of God

The recent Hurricane was a victory for me. The Ravens followed me and gorged on locusts. It was a nice warm rain, clear liquid, like God was in rein. The ground soaked up the water thirstily, and the animals seemed to be calm sitting in the rain. Two days before it hit there was an unnatural calm, eerie, but god what a respite from the ordinary, and yes the animals knew a flood was coming, but around where I live in the wrath of the Connecticut River, anyway, they were only temporarily freaked. The fish and animals don't care about floods. The flood plains protect them fine. After the rains, the Connecticut water was muddy but it was a silky mud filled with viral carbon, and glowed silvery. It made me certain that the Hurricane was no mistake. It followed the track ordained by exasperating life and delivering a banquet of welcome change, actually I felt chosen that it was sent over me. The eye appeared, long after it had stopped raining, and brang the source of intense calm that was felt two days before, but it was a short calm, making me wonder how the tiny center had managed the collosal outburst. It was a period to the thought. The Storm of the century.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Ai Weiwei

It should shock no one if China launches a surprise attack on another country. The illegal imprisonment of one of the earths great citizens, Ai Weiwei, just goes to show the lengths they will go to keep the Hans in power. Of course, now they say it is tax evasion. Didn't the U.S. do something similar to John Lennon. What is it about free speech that governments hate. It is that they lie, they know they lie, and that the Universe will never allow the language of humans to be perverted with lying sacks of shit. Notice I said the Universe, because it contains the codes for reality, it ciphers out the bullshit for us. Lying losers are stupid, too. And these twin weaknesses make them vulnerable, and desparate. Their time is short unless they can imprison the mind of man. But relax, the sons of liberty around the world will rally and defeat these beasts of humankind. How do I know? because I just said it, and its the truth.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Power Impact Shorts (Blang)

When you glance at a clock, doesn't it always look like the seconds hand takes a tick backwards?

Thoughts of a Rock "I guess this shape will do for now"

Blocked...Calcium Brain...can't think.

No one can put a price on freedon, or else it wouldn't be free.

The Bermuda Triangle is actually an icosahedron, when you count the air and water.

The first bumper sticker was a picture of a squashed mosquito.

Those sharp, bright dots of light that appear at the sides of your vision when you are consciously looking at something is your brain plotting to sabotage your plans, usually by releasing cytokines to attract viruses.

Polar Bears only live on Polar Planets

It's noon, time to feed Pavlov.

General Electric's Jack Welch reaaly had an inspired idea when he fired the bottom 10% performing workers. Too bad they buried those workers in the exact place where they should have put those above ground Diesel Fuel Tanks that got washed away in the Fukishima Tsunami, which prevented the backup cooling system from working.

If like dissolves like, what does money dissolve?

I am going to open a bar called The 'Henge. But it will only be open during the month of May.

Hey First Buyer geeks, there is a new h/2piipod. All you have to do is think of shit and it makes a steaming turd.

Russians are always in a hurry when there are invaders in their country.

How to make a tree cross: Cut it down and make a cross.

Remember, stay tuned for further updates. You can take to heart I have your best interests in mind. Thank you. I love you.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Wednesday, January 19, 2011