Monday, July 16, 2012


See my very nice models I invented, designed and manufactured. In this video I describe a bootstrapping effect, quite frankly, that I was surprised the experts in academia and the chemical industry did not quite grasp. I won't go into why they did not grasp the explanation I make here and extol it, but suffice to say I am their mouthpiece, and the other way does not exist (thank god.) Before I gloat about how I was right in my noble attempts to bring an educational device to the market in direct defiance to the business of dividing up spoils of the planet and putting a yoke on everyone's back, I need to make something clear here about my attempts to bring the models to light. I promoted these chemistry models from as far back as 1998 when I sent a proposal to NSF. It was rejected under the pretense I did not have a University sponsor. Again, after I made the Models, I sent a full proposal to the NSF STEM program in 2008, asking for a peer review, and was never even replied to. I also sent the models to over 30 state's department of education (1 state replied to me explaining the equipment used in classrooms is at the discretion of the School Systems.) In addition, I marketed the models on a website, and sent them to several other potential avenues of distribution (A2Z in Northampton, MA-no reply), but I have never sold any of my models. Oh, before I forget, I have to thank Youtube for putting my other video showing H2O Electrolysis uhh, no where, in their rankings. Telling, since that video is unique in showing some electrolysis chemistry. I won't even go into my Sulfur video, which dares mention coal pollution-fugedaboutit. Enjoy your weather you degenerate mother fuckers.

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