Thursday, December 10, 2015

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Friday, September 25, 2015

Cheese Wars, My First Book

Chapter 1.

On Planet Carlin a noble species of hunter gatherers grew in intelligence and subjugated their planet. They named it Carlin in the fashion after their language, with the name coming from the essence of their environment, and their place in the cosmos, looking overhead as the Stars quizzically made a blur across the tumbling skies. They called the stars the Punchlines, after the fashion of their language.

The God of the Carlinites was also called the Straight Man. The Straight Man would fabricate the Cosmos for the Carlinites, because he loved them and they loved all he fabricated. They fought each other, for their honor, and that of their forefathers, and to see who would be the masters of Carlin.

They paid homage to their Straight Man as they vanquished their enemies. For in Carlin two great races of people emerged. The Coppers and the Irons, named so after the fashion of their language. The Irons had emerged victorious in Great Wars for control of the resources, and the blessings they bestowed from their omnificent Straight Man. For he would validate the Irons as the ones that would control Carlin.

The Coppers had been the more clever of the races, and though the more ruthless to their own subjects, had avoided direct confrontation with the Irons. Until they saw that they, and not the Irons, are the more chosen of the great races to own and control Carlin. And they invented, and devised through ambitious engineering, the Radio, which is an all-powerful weapon. The divine weapon was the secret that they would keep until hostilities would break out between the two great races, though its subtle operation was too advanced for them to comprehend completely. The would use the Radio to deliver the knockout blow, which is called the Listener, after the fashion of their language. The Straight Man would help them to see that the Punchlines where the destiny of the Coppers. The Irons knew their vulnerabilities, yet seemed helpless to the threats, and built a bulwark, called the Market, an inviolable shield which would protect them, and the land of Irony would, as they prayed their Straight Man ordained,  prevail.

...To be c o  n   t   i     n     u      e        d

Saturday, September 12, 2015



Tuops eht leef uoy nac. Ecnatsiser eht leef uoy nac. Ereht tuo ruoy wonk lla ew, egnirf citanul. Yawklaw eht gnola tuo gep eht raeh nac ew. Spetstoof eht raeh nac ew. Emit siht niw annog ton er'uoy on. Gnimoc uoy raeh nac ew.

Noitulos nalif ruoy tsniaga emit siht draug no lla er'ew. Noisufnoc nwo er'ouy rof enoemos emalb attog uoy esuac. Raf oot teg t'now uoy tub nosaes nepo si siht. Gnimleelg tsal sthgiliwt eht ni egnirf citanul.

Rethgual eht llik uoy tel t'now ew. Emit siht uoy ot esiw er'ew. retfa er'ouy tahw wonk I. Gnimoc uoy raeh nac I. Sgniteem re'uoy dloh uoy dna gnidih ni re'uoy. Ereht tuo er'ruoy wonk I egnirf citanul

                                                                                                                             Ylurt sruoy,

Monday, August 31, 2015

Breaking Story?

By Orange Roof Reporter

Typical accommodations of our Reporters (undated file photo)

The story, according to unnamed sources, cannot be told about without compromising government security. This story revolves around certain countries and a number of people. The exact times and events that transpired cannot be legally exposed, and your Orange-Roof Journalist here would never go against the dictates of security in our glorious state. We can say this much: something happened somewhere, and as a Journalist it is imperative that a free people know that at this unknown place, some human being(s), who shall be kept unidentified, did some unspecified acts in some sort of referential time frame. The Orange roof reporter here is bound by secrecy to not say whether this imbroglio is shocking, uplifting or merely skak, though we can definitely report that it occurred. It is probably a single time instance of the thing, although, most readers should leave open the possibility that it may be an evolving situation. If legally allowed, your Orange Roof Reporter will keep you abreast of the changing situation, if it is indeed changing, or if there is some resolve to the problem, if, indeed, it is a problem, which I am limited to reporting specifically on, for reasons that I will leave the reader to speculate. All we can say about this story for now is stay tuned.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Strunk and White, Chapter 4

Bad gramer, is you're nemeses. Making sense in the present tense needs to accomplished if you want you're audience impressing. Does it fit you're topic? Writing a book, or a pargraph, or a sentence needs the syntact to fit the essence of the idea. Otherwise your juggling wine bottles and fresh ham. Use the mind to divine the comma not the mind to divine the comma. Forget a narrator if you are talking in the first person, I am, the narrator. I be narration. See, it is simple to write affective prose when all the cylinders, metaphorically, click like a drum. Lt's take a look at this sentence; Punctuation is your frenemy. Is it an interesting addendum to the discussion of good gramer, or is it annoying distraction. You are the judge * You are the Jury. All roads lead to Venice should be your Mantra. Verbs do not care. Carry that with you, run with it and remember it. Nouns know better than adjectives what the succinctly ordinate roundish glimmering jibe means. As Samuel Clemens once said, “It ain't you Huck, it's me.”

The paragraph walked out the door. Flash, boom bang. Be the vowels. Public speaking can a very stress inducing experience, and the prepared writer will pepper-spray the audience with amusing anecdotes of the time they missed the bus going to Albany. Just keep at it and the pieces will fall into place and you can leave the listener under the spell of your ideas being literally transcendent of the moment and relieving, for a moment perhaps, the inconsequential pain and worry of thumbing to Albany.

While technically accurate, putting the pen to paper can be daunting, at best. Allowing the willow to somberly wave in the breeze prepares your audience for the next stanza. Good gramer is always your best bet, especially if the ideas are ridiculous..

Friday, July 24, 2015

The Story of Sam Lowry

The movie opens with fear. Check and mate. If you want misunderstanding, mis-communication and extreme behavior, use fear. Then we see the fly on the wall. The jungian archetype of the unconscious, just below the surface, everyone projecting their shadow on their neighbor, listening to them as a fly on the wall to find the place to project their own iniquities, and thereby bolster their own self-righteous pride, just as their Big-Brother government does to them. The person to whom this shadow is projected to upon in the movie is Sam Lowry. Apparently he has been having prescient dreams about his female soul-mate, Jill Layton. Where the male and female archetypes need to be disambiguated, removing any mystery from their roles in society, any conflict in the official role of male female is immediately ferreted out through the collective unconscious of the masses, and is actively programmed subliminally into the minds of the populace through mind control in the ubiquitous TV programming to mete this metaphysical “here's looking at you kid” effect. The only terrorist (besides the State's real terrorism) in the movie, is Sam, for his dreams of love, a passion beyond control of the master brainwashers. The levers of state actually bring these two together, which for the rest of the movie the state seeks to clean the slate of this off-script love affair. The fantasy simulacra is the only thing important, and the main folly is emotional concern for your fellow man, which would otherwise effectively turn the tables on the power of the noxious and arrogant government's avarice. All the stupid tubes and ducts are the feminization of society, helping central planning have bestial domination over needless dross society. The Deniro, Heat Engineer, Tuttle, is wanted, whose only crime is being a free lance worker, outside of the Government patronized Central Services union, and mistakenly executed for by Buttle. The Union wants Tuttle, the backdoor lover, dead, and, working hand-in-hand with the State, seek to monopolize their agency goods and services. Competition is the death knell for the greedy corporatist state, and sets the stage for everything else in the movie. Sam's narcissistic mother, as the evil genius elitist controlling everything (watch restaurant bombing scene closely), helps him get captured through her feared power, in the strangest of jealousy twists, neatly packaged into the Hamlet-like power schemes of the fake society. The state/religious theme is ubiquitous through the Christmastime setting: The Buttle mother talking to her daughter about Santa coming down the chimney, enter the militarized police to play Santa-Satan; Jill being the present to Sam in the end, enter the militarized police to play Santa-Satan. Sams happiness is going to be sacrificed, so the phony God state can continue, and he is morphed back into the fly of society, a chemical liver spot of his mother, in the re-birth of the evil saviour of youthful plastic surgery. Jill, a rival to the societal collectivism of a false idol of easily willed over childhood, is the existential letter change of fate. Having killed Jill twice, once on paper and once defending her, Sam smiles in the end because he is alive and driven insane as the central protagonist in the dystopian play, and Jill is in his mind, as in his dreams, the driver. His tiny mote of irresponsibility to austere state motives cost him his sanity. But hey, at least he paid his debt. It is all funny, because it's mostly true. Naiiiled it!

Notes: The ending sequence, not in the movie clip, is in french. Seeing the hero go insane is too much for the tender sensibilities of American audiences.

They skipped a scene involving a decomposed corpse in the movie here. It is important in the movie as a foil to the lack of the culture coming to terms with death and renewal of finding a purpose and worth of life for oneself. (Sam later slays himself, losing his wings and becoming the hero antagonist to his exalted place in the society.) Interesting edit, fortunately I caught the life should be worth losing redaction for you.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Lord have mercy

Massachusetts cows.
2.5 million miles (4 million kilometers) from Pluto.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Democracy in action

Yes, Render unto Caesar what is Caesars.
No, Tell Caesar to go fuck himself.
                                                                  -Aristotle, ca. early July, 340 BC

Friday, July 3, 2015

Self-help Section

Stretching and Yawning
Move arms to a V-shape, with upper backs of arms parallel to ground , and with balled fists to just parallel to your ears about 3-6 inches away from your ears. Slowly, draw back your elbows to several inches behind behind shoulder blades. Now arch your back, drawing elbows back far enough to slightly lower crook of elbows at an azimuth that comfortably compliments the arched back. Drop your lower jaw slightly and slowly draw in a large breath, while simultaneously beginning to stretch your arms upwards over your head, and stretching body from side to side. In a single continuous movement, lower jaw as far as you can . While drawing in air to fully inhaled lungs, continue pushing arms far over your head and slightly hold breath while fists are stretched to maximum extent over head. Hold breath for a few seconds, while moving arms in air in small swirls, or circles, sometimes gradually widening out swirls, and slightly twisting wrists and elbows. Then, with mouth slightly closed, release air from lungs in long short intervals, while sweeping elbows back down to sides of thorax, with the final exhale. An additional sideways arm extensions directly out from body, parallel to ground, and rotational movements of entire arms, while drawing another breath, will complete procedure.

Alternate Method:
Instead of raising both arms overhead simultaneously, use one hand to rub your nose, and extend one arm upwards while stretching body, then repeat for opposite sides.

Friday, June 26, 2015

How to Break Glass

T.O. recorded and performed this performance to represent a woman’s experience in everyday sexual violence.

The relationship between the knife and the glass sheet represent these daily micro aggressions. The glass sheet symbolizes the transparent veil of sexualization and a visual spectacle for penetration. The knife is an agent and by-product of a patriarchal society that is reflected and symbolized in its phallic form. The performance parallels a reverse masturbation as I aggressively penetrate the glass sheet to reach its breaking point. However, the knife fails to shatter the glass before I am physically exhausted. Having the act portray a constant and continuous sexual violence, which has yet to be broken. This documentation is a portrayal of aggression towards my experience in sexual violence.
This video was edited from the original 10min duration.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Think of the Pineapples

Each mole of Carbon weighs 12 Grams. So, in a Gallon of gasoline, or 4 Liters, which is a little more than a Gallon, there is about 4000 grams, and, minus the hydrogen in gasoline, about 305 moles of carbon. When the carbon combines in combustion with Oxygen it makes 305 moles of Carbon Dioxide. Each mole of CO2 is now air, and it's volume has now expanded greatly, at 22.4 liters per mole, to 6832 liters of air per gallon of gasoline. On earth, that is not an enormous amount, but considering the moles of carbon burned in human activity, it matters. It adds up to however many grams of carbon we burn, divided by 12, and then multiplied by 22.4, to find out how many liters of CO2 we are putting into our Atmosphere. Albeit, that half gets re-absorbed into earth's ecosystem, the other half stays in the atmosphere for many decades

There are several factors that lead this accumulation of CO2 to add egregious amounts of heat to the planet. These correlations are very simple, any politician saying otherwise knows perfectly well he is lying. For one thing CO2 is fairly heavy, weighing a third more than Oxygen molecules. This means that it is settling through the porous atmosphere, but at the same time being buoyed by the jostling. A simple analogy is shaking together a bunch of small pebbles and sand together with larger pebbles in a jar. The larger pebbles migrate to the top of the Jar. Similarly, the carbon gets jostled upwards, and then settles downward, causing the bouncing molecule to vibrate in a manner that makes it amenable to absorbing a frequency of light. If the frequency of light that it was absorbing was coming was just from space, it would cool the planet, because only half the radiation would be bounced down, and half back out to space. However, most of the radiation it absorbs is coming from the planet, because it absorbs infra-red radiation that is closely related to the black-body radiation, or the ambient temperature, that earth is mostly giving off. The CO2 absorbs this earth radiation, at ratios that are whatever concentration of CO2 that is in the atmosphere, and then reflects about half this radiation back to the ground, where it is registered as heat, causing the heat to gradually, but steadily, accumulate. This heat radiation would naturally flow back out to space if the CO2 molecules were not there. The warmer air allows more water to be absorbed into the air as the dew point climbs. Water also has the effect of absorbing infra-red radiation. Of course, we are near the end of the rope, since a methane release would cause a runaway heat event, that would cause a huge mass extinction. Don't worry though, the jelly-fish might make it. Pineapples, probably not.

All of this has been known for over a hundred years.


Antique Road Show

“I was talking with some of my colleagues, and we were just blown away.
First of all,where did you get this?"

"On Youtube"

"Well its a heck of a find. I mean the backdrop alone, Tanglewood. Can you imagine how fucking beautiful it would be there. And the campy song, Chicago, wow, and professional vocals and brasswinds. You just don't see that anymore. Whoever posted this took out the annoying ads, stellar! Anyway, we think, conservatively, this video is worth a 100,000 clicks. Congratulations."

"Whoa, Thank you".

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Heretic Greedy Fucks

A neural toxin!! A thousand times worse than Lead, Mercury is. Permanent fucking brain damage. These satan's cocksuckers have been poisoning our kids. The authority you can no longer follow is... anyone. Educate yourself and tell the greedy fucks, and their Skeletor mentality, to jump off a goddamn bridge. Anybody who tells you to stick a needle in your child and get a *vaccination on their demand, say "fuck-off loser". Government solutions involving a profit to a certain business involve corruption, and it is only getting worse. These people in their Agencies (or any authority figures) are not to be trusted. Our Government continues to poison the planet, with pro-petroleum (Shell arctic) policies, and now they are supporting policies that are causing permanent brain damage for swaths of people, infants no less. I am not saying disobey these people. That is an assumption they have some authority. Do not allow them to come near your nature and soul, they have gone insane.

*I am not ant-vaccination, but if you don't want mercury neural-toxin in your child, say no if you like. These pricks have ruined lives for their greed. Just remember that. Unconscionable.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Turning 3 Alpha particles into carbon.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Interesting Fact

Wheat has over 7 times the genetic genome of man.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

سوف اليمن لن تتراجع

This is the one. The final mistake warmongers of the world will make. Evil, chattel slave-wage arms traders. Get a good look at Babylon because the dirge is coming. These poor people in an ancient culture, scraping to get by and share with each other their little corner of the world, their sustenance for thousands of years, being destroyed under the attack by countries that have no business in that country. The brain-dead west and their fucktard allies in the middle east think they know so much about the world. The mistake that the executioners are making is that they really are not fearful. Self-righteous, conceited bastards dictating the neo-liberal agenda. Guess what chachie, all those bombs you're dropping are just transferring the arrow of time to the Yemenis. Ever look at the crab nebula?. Not pictures of it, the actual nebula. It blew up a thousand years ago, but time moved on around the black-hole it created, so all that explosive power was really all the time it absorbed. Explain that to your kids.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

One take of "Birdman"

We know that the wildest and most moving dramas are played not in the theatre but in the hearts of ordinary men and women who pass by without exciting attention, and who betray to the world nothing of the conflicts that rage within them except possibly by a nervous breakdown. What is so difficult for the layman to grasp is the fact that in most cases the patients themselves have no suspicion whatever of the internecine war raging in their unconscious. If we remember that there are many people who understand nothing at all about themselves, we shall be less surprised at the realization that there are also people who are utterly unaware of their actual conflicts. Carl Jung-“New Paths in Psychology” (1912). In CW 7: Two Essays on Analytical Psychology. P.425 “The light was draining out of the room, going back through the window where it had come from.” ― Raymond Carver, What We Talk About When We Talk About Love

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Time Write

Time is expanding. I know the Universe is expanding, and therefore there is a bigger place for more things to happen. It does not take a photon any longer than it did before to traverse the Universe, but it must pass by more things, there fore, its possibilities of interaction have expanded and there is more degrees of freedom to choose. Today the world and universe are smaller than they will be tomorrow. It is just a fact. Hence, tomorrows world of greater possibilities make it inherently more important than today. You knew that, we all know that. The Newer bigger more important Universe is built on the smaller Universe of today, and contains everything in it today, tomorrow. Even the structure of the sentence just wrote was a micro-cosm of the growth, and is reflected in its flow out. Again. So if everything in the future is more then more then more, where is the drawback. It is also thinning out and accelerating. There is an exponential decay of the rapidity of things becoming more eluctory of the expanding reality. Meaning, of course, we are running out of time. Which is also to say that the solipsis of things becoming more important, really are of the essence of the thing that is the thing. While there may be a bigger pearl of future real, the ability to stack on the bank of wisdom is slowing down. If the adjustment for a briefer window of opportunity can’t be glommed onto, the reverse of events will be the order of the day. The future will not be more important, but less, since the accommodation of more organized smaller bundled than wanted ebb cannot fit into a larger expanse. It is more important, the future, but it, after all, is only really now. Knowledge that tomorrow is going to have more realm and authority than today does not give us a pass to shirk the very necessity of problems today. They are still there tomorrow, and will, maybe, be beyond reach. And with greater infinity, and less time left, it looks tempting to defer this article I am writing til then. Should it happen that way, since it so damn insightful, it could be gone, so here it is now.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Go Back

This stone entrance is not the one you are looking for.