Thursday, December 13, 2012

Your slip is showing

everyone died without a voice or a prayer or a hope or a chance everyone whoever suffered for being committed I am every one of them every single one, yes every single one.  -Leonard Peltier

Saturday, November 17, 2012

For Sale: Steller Cluster

12,0000 habitable planets. One Jacuzzi world and a diamond core. Make Offer.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Latest Warm Inviting Seas
Is it just me, or does Europe seem to be grimacing at North America?

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Friday, November 2, 2012

Its only humid

When a baseball player hits a ball during an unusually humid night will the ball travel further than it would during a drier atmosphere. First,we should consider how many molecules there are in a certain volume of air. Avagadros number, 6.022 times ten to the twenty-third power, was initially discovered by tying a number of reactive molecules in a certain volume of air. For example, it was discovered that a certain volume of Hydrogen gas, 22.4 liters, contained two grams of Hydrogen. When two of these molar volumes are reacted with 22.4 liters of Oxygen (one mole), which happened to weigh 32 grams, it produced 36 grams of water, H2O (and two moles of vapor.) Although there are slight constants adjustments, the gases of both Hydrogen and Oxygen contain exactly the same volume, despite their differences in mass. And,with the one to one reaction of theses gas molecule, one could be assured that there is indeed the exact same number of constituent molecules. Therefore we can assume, with slight adjustments, that the air containing the Water molecule, as humidity, also has the exact same number of molecules as the air that is more constituted of the representative Nitrogen, Oxygen, and lesser amount gases, in its constitution. So now, with equal numbers of molecules in the atmosphere, but with differing densities, it can be shown that the high humidity air is much less dense than the air without H2O in high concentration. The weight of a di-atomic Oxygen molecule is two times sixteen (the weight of an oxygen molecule), or thirty-two grams per mole (22.4 liters), similarly, Nitrogen gas is two times fourteen, or 28 grams per mole. Water is two hydrogen and one oxygen which has a weight of Eighteen grams per mole. So in equivalent amounts of gas, you have molecules averaging about 29 or so grams per mole, and, when water vapor is added, a much less dense average weight per mole. The pressure of the lighter gases needs to be assimilated into the equation of which gas is easier for a baseball to pass through, since the lighter molecules are moving faster (on average) than the heavier counterparts, so they would hit with a higher momentum against a ball traveling through it. In fact it is the same momentum effect on the ball because, even though the bigger molecules are traveling slower as they impact the ball, their heft of mass imparts a similar impact of kinetic energy. So it seems that there should be an equal impact of the gases with lighter density and faster kinetic speed against higher mass and slower speed molecules against the momentum of the baseball. Then there is the kinetic energy of the baseball itself. The baseball would hit less high H2O concentrated gas molecules, because the molecules become more widely dispersed from their higher velocity, and the baseball can plough through easier, much like a racked pool balls slammed hard travel over further areas of a pool table, or in our case, the area in front of the hit ball, and the baseball will travel further in a high humidity atmosphere.

This combined video shows the fall of a heated centimeter-sized steel sphere through water. From left to right, the sphere is at 25 degrees C (left), 110 degrees C (middle), and 180 degrees C, demonstrating how the Leidenfrost effect—which vaporizes the water in immediate contact with the sphere—can substantially reduce the drag on a submerged object. In the middle video, the vaporization of the water around the sphere is sporadic and incomplete, only slightly reducing the sphere’s drag relative to the room temperature case. The much hotter sphere on the right, however, has a complete layer of vapor surrounding it, allowing it to travel through a gas rather than the denser liquid. (Video credit: I. Vakarelski and S. Thoroddsen; from a review by D. Quere)

Monday, October 29, 2012

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Todd Rundgren Sons Of 1984

Open your eyes and see
The world I couldn't change for you
Reach out your hand and take
The world that will belong to you

We were on our way to a better day
And the spirit was in us all
But as time went by we fell by the wayside
Maybe you'll be the last to fall

You are the only ones
There is nobody left but you
You are the chosen ones
There is nobody else to choose

Back when I was young, my hope was strong
But the time blew it all to hell

If I thought I knew what was good for you
I would have gone and done it for myself

Worlds of tomorrow
Life without sorrow
Take it because it's yours
Sons of 1984

I can still see the great panorama of hate
Being cleansed by our loving hands
But the brothers broke stride, the sisters cried
Now you have to start all over again

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Oracle is ready to see you now

There are no hidden realities, so says Neils Bohr. Science is the taking of ideas and using them to create reality in a comprehensible and usable form. So, I was thinking about entanglement, and sought to correlate this natural physical reality and parlay it unto the societal interactions at work in our world today.

There has been much discussion about the failures of capitalism, and it is this idea I am thinking about and how entanglement may translate to where capitalism may end up as a result. My angle is from a humanistic viewpoint: Who are these persons behind the scenes of our world systems.

First off, I believe that the volition of everyone's actions either bears fruit or it doesn't. Reason counts. If you can cut linoleum to fit snug around a bath tub, then people are going to pay you for that, and you can live fairly well. That is what is good about life, you can get better at some things that you apply yourself in, genes playing a part, too. I am pretty good (not great) at taking two ideas from different realms and synergistically applying them for new purposes. So I have to explain these two different ideas of entanglement and the Monetary System first, at least as I narrowly define them.

Entanglement has been verified by the EPR paradox and Bell's Inequality Theorem. Two things brought together become in a knit relationship from the forces imparted on them, and combines together their own inherent compositions with an additional component that each shares with the other from the interaction. These things are tied forever together by inextricable forces in their futures without regard to time or distance between them. The forces one feels upon the other at a future time and location may be small, but real in regards to the their previous interactions. In regards to a single Carbon Atom, for instance, it maybe the interactions it can create with other atoms or electromagnetic forces that it impart on it a kind of self-preservation and eagerness to be. It has a history, an identity, through its interactions within its realm of existence. I know it seems to make little sense to give a personality to an inanimate atom, but really, can you think of why it would want to be at all, if there wasn't some benefit. Of course, all Carbons are alike, on the outside, but this is part of the thrust of the article, and that is things that are acquiring new relationships, and hence entangled, do by this very nature hold close and hide these interactions because of the unique identifier involved with the interaction. It could reveal its history of interactions, but it would make no impression on something that did not partake of the interaction. So, it just stays a carbon atom to us, until the interaction occurs, where it reveals to the inter-actor, which is sometimes us, what it is. A single-malt scotch or an elegant perfume may be revealed when we become party to these interactions of a carbon atom.

I don't want to digress now about how we change in the interaction with a carbon atom, but I will comment here about species. Every unique kind of animal is entangled with their environment, and in fact is shaped by it, like Darwin's shorter, stronger nut-beaked Finches and longer slenderer flower beaked evolved cousins on the Galapagos islands. A niche environment will bring on a predator, which in turn will force new survival strategies by the prey, and the ones who can best survive in that eco-system are the ones who are there, and the others, who could not epigenetically continue new entanglements to their surroundings, are not.

But, getting back to carbon, why does a carbon hide the impetus of its being, its history of entanglements which make it what it is, so that we could not differentiate one carbon from the other? Well, for one thing, it is in the quantum realm, and we perceive them to be acting very fast, so our interaction towards them would be very slow at any scale. No interaction taking place makes much of a difference in the blur. The other, as I pointed out, is that it would make little impression on the party not involved in the interactions it had had previously. Perhaps the only reason we can interact at all with the carbon stems from our mutual birth in the big bang energy orgy. Still, there is a wall that designates something's descriptors so that it is what it is and not what it isn't. Obviously in a collapsing supernova a carbon could become an iron atom, and does, so it then has become so entangled it requires new descriptors over its identity. Such a thing may exist where a carbon becomes sentient, if it has lived through enough interactions, of a world of all it's past happenings, being able to trans-mutate its knowledge to the carbon through vicariously experiencing all its entangled partners collapsing wave function of their encounters. Here is were the rubber meets the road of reality. The entanglement lasts, but only evanescently until it gives up the interaction by integrating into a new identity of old interaction passing back information of new interaction and the transaction is complete. It could never have again what it once had with the other before, that old history is gone, and a newer model with a different persona has come into being from new experiences. They can no longer relate to each other the way they once could. One had changed into the new while the other had re-lived the old for a last time. In short, where the entropy had increased initially, the the entropy decreased again after the interaction at a distance ceased from its own volition. So the carbon needs it's integrity, it has to fall back onto what it is so it can continue it's quest for new experiences. Carbon builds a “wall” to protect its being, after the entanglement ends and entropy decreases, it starts anew again in more enterprises.

Living in a “wall”, hiding your undertakings to all but who are privy, will make a prosperous approach to survival, but it cannot be done unevenly or the entropy will decrease until it is spent to non-significance. No one will want to interact with a self-serving entity, ready to pounce without warning to obtain a new spoon that isn't there for shits and giggles. The rest of us can't live on memories alone, but we need to stimulate with new experiences of our being, we need to engage with rational beings who respect our actual surroundings and want what we have to offer as genuine and real, however hard it is for the other person to relinquish their half of the “wall” of emotion, and that spoon that won't be there later (or will it be there, it is a risk, but sometimes a pleasantly rewarding one, sometimes wrenching.)

Scaling up this quantum entanglement to a real-world scale and in the realm of the Monetary System, we can start first with what the “wall” is in this system. The wall makes money legal tender. It will be there, voila, when the right addition to the mix is made to deserve it. The money itself can be thought of, abstractly, then as the experiences in a quantum entangled event. It ties the buyer and seller together, for a time, the reason the purchase was made, thus fulfilled, now goes to the respective parties as increased and then decreased entropy of their own situations. The initial thrill and consanguinity of the transaction is the action of the parties at work, increasing entropy. Capital equipment decreases slowly for the buyer, while the money is spent on upkeep of the sellers systems, etc., and entropy decreases1. The “wall” here then is money itself, and is nothing but an impasse to the destruction of the entity, or business, else its self-preservation at creating new experiences would be made open to decay. Extrapolating that to how the business cycle has slowed down today, and then how this wall is making businesses deadened by its weak protecting function, it would seem a new paradigm for how this wall is constituted be investigated. My suggestion is to allow lots of new experiences, new businesses, to partake, to keep the entanglement worthy of refreshing our lives with meaning. The carbon would do it.

And finally, the Monetary System is an entity too. It will peter out from its “wall” that will not allow any new entanglement, because it becomes based on a bluff, an ending of the entanglement rather than the initial real interaction. The system decreases it's own existence value by ordering a set of pre-established circumstances rather than being a part of that unpredictable happy circumstance of genuine increasing entropy, the real risk. It's a stagnation of fortune because the spoon is not there, but, take my word for it, it's coming. It will need a reason for existence, but won't find one without a commitment to self-preservation, and the finality of its works, for itself and everyone it deals with. That is what is happening because that is how the world works.
1. The potential for entropy is more accurate.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sunday Fuel Up

My Two (2) Cents (¢ )

It's assessment time. Let's take a hard look at where we stand. This is a complete, stand-alone opinion, superseding and replacing all previous individual opinions and perceptions. This opinion is irrevocable and binding and is not subject to arbitration. I am responsible for the content of this article.

Civil Society Thought-provoking and intelligent. Allows dissent and has absorbing discourse, with lots of solutions, over many of the problems and conundrums in the world today. Needs more compassion.

Arts Repetitive and lazy, often, with shimmering and dazzling wonderful exceptions.

Sciences Awe inspiring, but self-recursive in ambitions. Needs a broader look at why not how.

Fret not, my opinion is evolving, but, until then, this is where it stands.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Friday, July 20, 2012


Charlie Rose Show today about people people suffering with these painful and fatal diseases. A dozen different genes are involved with ALS, although it is usually contracted and not inherited from routes that are not fully understood. If anyone can come up with a cure for some of the diseases effects or causes, there is a one million dollar reward. SMA is an inherited disease that can have three levels of severity, and is contracted at birth. Gene therapy and other cures are hoped to be discovered for these diseases. 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Monday, July 16, 2012


See my very nice models I invented, designed and manufactured. In this video I describe a bootstrapping effect, quite frankly, that I was surprised the experts in academia and the chemical industry did not quite grasp. I won't go into why they did not grasp the explanation I make here and extol it, but suffice to say I am their mouthpiece, and the other way does not exist (thank god.) Before I gloat about how I was right in my noble attempts to bring an educational device to the market in direct defiance to the business of dividing up spoils of the planet and putting a yoke on everyone's back, I need to make something clear here about my attempts to bring the models to light. I promoted these chemistry models from as far back as 1998 when I sent a proposal to NSF. It was rejected under the pretense I did not have a University sponsor. Again, after I made the Models, I sent a full proposal to the NSF STEM program in 2008, asking for a peer review, and was never even replied to. I also sent the models to over 30 state's department of education (1 state replied to me explaining the equipment used in classrooms is at the discretion of the School Systems.) In addition, I marketed the models on a website, and sent them to several other potential avenues of distribution (A2Z in Northampton, MA-no reply), but I have never sold any of my models. Oh, before I forget, I have to thank Youtube for putting my other video showing H2O Electrolysis uhh, no where, in their rankings. Telling, since that video is unique in showing some electrolysis chemistry. I won't even go into my Sulfur video, which dares mention coal pollution-fugedaboutit. Enjoy your weather you degenerate mother fuckers.

Prediction Corner

In the spirit of all the great psychics that have changed history with their knowledge of the future, I will now (and I use the term loosely) will garner for you my predictions for July 16, 2013.

Isoprene Flavor extract will be found to signifigantly enhance mental cognition. Cinnamon chicks rule.

Raspberry Mousse will replace Chocolate Pudding as the favorite food in heaven.

Lake Vostock will inexplicably yield a rusted '56 Bel Aire.

Magnetic Monopole technology will be discovered, but instantly vanished by Heisenberg.

Schist McRib. (That's all I got?)

The official spelling for Ralleigh will be Ralley

There will be incremental improvements elsewhere.

Friday, July 13, 2012

July 13 Gila Monster Day

If Dry Gulch Gary sees his shadow its 6 more weeks of 90 degree days.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Click for pictures of this book

If you want a glimpse into depression era sharecropper tenant families, this is your book.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Today's Schedule

7:00 Eat Rotten Peach
7:05 Check Kittens running around, envy their carefree ways.
8:00 Watch Amy Goodman talk to charismatic leader.
9:05 Harbor simmering grudge against various people.
9:10 Go outside, notice pleasant Plumeria smell in the air.
9:11 See a beautiful orchid-like flower. Carefully remove the pollen from the stamen to allow the plant to focus more on air sun and water instead of diverting all its resources to reproduction. Flower french kisses me. Tastes like rotten peaches.
9:30 Plot nefarious plan to extort money from banking system using an Electro-Magnetic Pulse.
9:45 Phone in a phony Paper Order for a truckload of "24 Weight"
10:15 Have reasonably satisfying talk with bastard neighbor.
10:46:07 Kill mosquito.
10:47 Ponder how biological systems made my face. Pick a zit.
11:00 Sell old copies of "Time" under Bridge overpass.
11:10 Relive yesterdays dream. Want to die. Realize I'm dead already.
12:00 Have cucumber. Watch kittens with envy.
12:30 Consider honor of work over the ease of typing blog. Continue writing.
1:00 Take internet siesta with churros y freako baby.
1:30 Imagine Angels sleep like bats.
2:00 Placed Updike at cusp of excellent novel writers for controlled constraint of present tense. Engineer new golf ball with mushroom fountain in dimples.
2:30 Write screenplay for superhero movie. Call Dad.
3:00 Straighten drapes.
3:30 Bridge philosophical gaps.
4:00 Listen intently.
4:30 Call girlfriend from High School to tell her I'm sorry I didn't make out with her that time I was having a bad trip on weed. Pick teeth.
5:00 Wrap it up.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Tattered Flags

May I make a suggestion for a new National Anthem. Sousa's ballad is quaint, and it captures a resilient spirit under fire, but it should be played after community events end, not before, with it's great prologue about rockets and bravery, you know, after all the raucousness and sweating has taken place. Generally, before the events, people want to get stoked about the entertainment about to ensue. My suggestion here of Aerosmith's Make It is one of many that could be considered, but I chose it for several reasons. For one, it is a from a flagship album of the iconic 70's era of music, when Boston rocked, the moon was fucken ours, and the future wasn't all about some phony patriotism flying in the face of corporate multi-nationalism (before reality hit.) It has a quick intro beat, not too hard for run-of-the-mill bands to repeat, and it's lyrics lend a a little motivation to the performers and choreographers of the events. Wouldn't you love to see our Gold Medalist up on the podium at the Olympics giving a whinny to the Bronze medalist as Tyler belted out "Bedwetter pull yourself together now, What have you got to lose." It also encapsulates the incredible anxiety in our society and among the younger generation now. I realize I'm stepping way over the bounds of polite conversation here when I insinuate that this country could have made a mistake with the Divine Providence, and somehow our solipsistic greatness could have a weak link, but nothing is constant except change. 

Friday, July 6, 2012

You are Welcome

Monday, July 2, 2012

In July

Right now. Not as words, or a prayer, or a defense, but as an eponymous verb of events as they happened. That is how I felt as I escaped by Venus out the window, plunging to the eclipsing ground, and ran down the muddy road. I don't know if I looked back. I knew, as I purveyed my situation, that if I won, then the erosion of mountains and the revolution of galaxies would not stop the progress of my lust ambition. If I lost, the falling of eons into a bottomless ravine of corniced webs could not change the destination of me arriving back at my starting point of that window of my exodus. God first pronounced the Universe as good. But was it good for me was the question.
So, here I am running away. My foot being guided into each step of the the muck, one after the other, both with stealth and a dire caution of my enfolded environment. What is it that spurs me onward? If I can ably accomplish my goals by deft understanding, then contemplation was just, and I am being unreasonable to the provision of resources that allowed me such guile. If nature strikes me with a sword of lightening, then I was wrongly bred by culture, but guided by a fair assessment that this merry-go-round needed to be abandoned. The still depth of my thoughts infinitely reached into the orisons of empty space.
The day slumped on to the burnt dawn as I reached a vista I biked before. A person was there I knew so well that it may as well been my carbon. Enraptured trespasses usurped mind fractals. Loathing simplicity or a new friend would funnel nodal vindication of which, oh please be her.
It was my archest lady. My luck imbued, word in matter. Let's heave this yolked mirage. Her portending came into my focus, as she stared down into the future of portals that contained both the ecstasy of the light-raves and of requiems of the distraught.
Diverting evermore for asunder from perdition, I foundered toward her nape. With my heart assailing all ubiquitous forces, I entreated her to go with me. A treble of relief. I awed ruination pass by, def hysterical fortune, the aurus of my burning euphoria. She said yes.
So we pummeled onward, wending on our gossamer frothed beach to satined waved breezes of the unending day. Along the way, we met some friendly clams we shared libations and humorous clattering with, and sewed together gold seeds for a looking glass. Hiking further, we mazed the quartz and illumined jets of revolving spume on our candled island, to wither our skin nevermore.
Before our courage, this soul sphere emptied to shores of parsecs highest. Quedda spilt her cleaved diamonds on my spinning halt, my saviour manifold, on this magic meme of yin and yang. The wormhole nodded triumph to our bronzed iron. Softly now, szyzergy forsooth our sneaking devils, who clamored for reign.
Clarity on high, Ten pi, our spears will shake up put never!
Pride cometh before Cumbria, and after. The whipping asps slapped a ringing clout, and reeled our heels. Ha-ha we sheen your fires with faux rage. And arced our mighty blow and fusiled their chins in clam lodges. Evening, long last, the tattooed tune, revolving roundabout generations. The presence vibrated right to omegas zenith, climbing soothing zephyrs over all till we awakened.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Hermine Redux

I like to dream yes, yes, right between my sound machine
On a cloud of sound I drift in the night
Any place it goes is right
Goes far, flies near, to the stars away from here

Well, you don't know what we can find
Why don't you come with me little girl
On a magic carpet ride
You don't know what we can see
Why don't you tell your dreams to me
Fantasy will set you free
Close your eyes girl
Look inside girl
Let the sound take you away

Last night I held Aladdin's lamp
And so I wished that I could stay
Before the thing could answer me
Well, someone came and took the lamp away
I looked around, a lousy candle's all I found

Well, you don't know what we can find
Why don't you come with me little girl
On a magic carpet ride
Well, you don't know what we can see
Why don't you tell your dreams to me
Fantasy will set you free
Close your eyes girl
Look inside girl
Let the sound take you away

You don't know what we can find
Why don't you come with me little girl
On a magic carpet ride
Well, you don't know what we can see
Why don't you tell your dreams to me

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Thursday, June 7, 2012

lot of eclipses lately

Note to Google and your stupendous idiocy of censorship:
Naturally, most of what I do is drivel. Relied mostly upon a poor memory with so-so nutrition to fund it. Here is some Emerson, remember him?, only when you forget those stupid memories you call thoughts does his sagacity sink in.
Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string.
Accept the place the divine providence has found for you,
the society of your contemporaries, the connection of
events. Great men have always done so, and confided
themselves childlike to the genius of their age, betraying
their perception that the absolutely trustworthy was
seated at their heart, working through their hands, predominating
in all their being. And we are now men, and
must accept in the highest mind the same transcendent
destiny; and not minors and invalids in a protected corner, not cowards fleeing before a revolution, but guides,
redeemers and benefactors, obeying the Almighty effort
and advancing on Chaos and the Dark.

Amen brother.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Emily Dickinson as read by Michael Scott

ON the bleakness of my lot
Bloom I strove to raise.
Late, my acre of a rock
Yielded grape and maize.

Soil of flint if steadfast tilled
Will reward the hand;
Seed of palm by Lybian sun
Fructified in sand.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Divided British Court Upholds Extradition of WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange to Sweden

In this clip we see the Senator's protege upholding the law of the land, specifically, the Senator's responded belief that the land is corrupted with no-good-buggery (or something like that.) Without hesitation, the protege follows the commands of his authority figure. Of course, in this instance, the detestable actions of this group in helping implement "Order 66" made them legitimate targets, as well as justifiable scapegoats (thanks to the secrecy.) You see, the Senator does not care who he lies to, telling Anakin he can save his wife from death, restoring order to the Empire, or getting quislings to do his bidding, and then killing them, is all the same to someone like him, who allies himself with power. Don't be a quisling. In a fortnight we will see.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Who Gets the Rain?

The feedback loops are in place, and it appears that for the next hundred years will be drastic climate change. There is a theory about the heating and cooling of the planet as it oscillates into and out of the Galactic arms of the Milky Way, and, if correct, we are heading towards a cooling epoch, so I always like to qualify that I don't have all the answers, and sometimes destiny plays a role, but I still have a thought. And that is, who will receive the added moisture in the atmosphere. It doesn't take a genius to see that the water vapor will collect at the cooler extremes of the planet, that also have warm fronts that travel through it to deliver the moisture. As a back of the envelope guess, it will be Russia, China and Canada that will benefit most, in terms of rainfall, and that the rest of the world will go through hit and miss episodes of drought and deluges. Keystone will hold up the Arches of a warmer greener Canada. China will continue, unless I am mistaken (naahh), to burn Coal, the Kochs and Gazprom will be the high-priests of our Northern and and Asian brethren. Am I missing something? Maybe Europe will benefit too. Everywhere else, America included, will get the shaft. No wonder Fractal Technology is being kept out of sight, and out of mind. If you think this country will invest in the children to educate our way out of the desertification, then all I can say is you have no idea how fungible money is, and how easy it is to move to better climes, rather than waste money looking to fix our problems using our minds for some betterment of society. If you look carefully, you can see how, now, the social and cultural mediums are painting people, and especially the lower classes, as dumb, ne'er do wells. Now in the news today, in case you haven't tuned in to the TV or internet, we are all fat slobs. Here's what I do to equilibriate my brain from the media, I tell them, in my mind, "Go fuck yourself." There's plenty of Lube out there, as you can't burn the heavier weight oil components..

Monday, April 30, 2012

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Big Bang Video

Which one is my Universe?

Monday, April 2, 2012

White Elephant in the Room

Certainly the one thing that even the most vociferous and eloquent internet publishers of the citizens right to a fair and just society hate to contemplate is the control and suppression of information on the internet.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Friday, February 3, 2012

5 Reasons stories with lists suck

1. Information from the Reformation about why Flax should be duty free.
I know, Rich People Suck. Barter with gold then, what the fuck do you want me to do about it. Counterpoint,

2. Boring insipid esoteric and tenuously linked facts this list supposedly supports in its tagline.
Mortgage backed securities Mortgage backed securities. Yeah right. Anything you ever hear more than once is probably not accurate, especially in lists stories. They stole people’s pensions. Now that is accurate.

3. A graph of dubious importance showing eclectic free-association of spurious notions asserted by writer requiring reliance on creative genius of reader.
As this chart shows, irregardless of Gum, Television, Internet, Ipods, Downloads, Video Games, Cigarettes, Coffee, Cheeseburgers, Blogs, Alcohol, Prozac, Baseball Caps, Cars, Cancer, Wrestling, Marijuana, Flu Viruses, Condoms, Ibuprofen, Sex, or Heart Attacks, 1 in 4 million Acorns will grow into an Oak Tree.

4. A picture of whimsical/genuflective position of writer about the lists.

5. Add-on afterthought or repackaged restatement of previous entries made to make you wade through the advertising feces filling up the website by clicking on the next page.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Meet The Candidate They Don't Want You To Hear- Gov. Buddy Roemer

Woe, Woe Woe America. Language is pointless, money is worthless, leadership aimless.